Let Me Be Very Clear, Part 2:
How I Would Write my Religious Exemption
Written by Shannon Carroll

There is a special responsibility that believers have to evaluate, watch, pray, be alert and discerning about everything in these evil days. Can it be exhausting and overwhelming? Absolutely! But we never lose hope because we are anchored in The Truth – and we know this will all be over in eternity! 🙌
Obviously, we have to be careful to not have a judgmental spirit towards each other – we each have to answer alone before God for our actions and decisions. However, we ARE called to speak truth (in so much love!) and hold each other accountable to the need to think about, evaluate and discern the spirits.
If I were writing a religious exemption, these are some of the points I would be sure to include.
✨ Christians especially should be looking into the ingredients, process and end product of ALL substances, including all vaccines. We don’t believe in a compartmentalized religion. God asks for ALL of us, including our health.
✨ In fact, as Christians, we are held accountable for how we treat our bodies and what we put in them. We have a moral obligation to take care of our “temple” (1 Corinthians 16:9) and to responsibly evaluate our actions as it relates to our Divinely created body.
Because of this moral mandate, we believe each person has autonomy to decide what is in the best interest of their personal being; outside sources cannot make that determination for the individual. It is between them and God. Medical coercion has NO place in this free country, with individual, inalienable rights given to us by God.
✨ There are also grave concerns about the rather new mRNA technology and how that will impact our health long-term. I support Christians who are evaluating this new technology and not wanting to rush into a decision to have an injection where the long-term health effects are still widely unknown.
There are also serious concerns with the other ingredients in this injection and other true vaccines – including aluminum and graphene oxide…. Go look them up!
✨ Believers should not allow inside of them a substance that contains, or has even trace elements of, aborted fetal cell lines in the end product or the testing. Believers “cannot have fellowship with darkness” (2 Corinthians 6:14), and we believe this action would align us with those who condone the act of abortion, which we do not. Taking this shot with close ties to abortion is an offense to religious faith; I believe there are zero exceptions in which this action would be justified. (And I wish I would have known about this issue earlier in my life… I’m so grateful for grace and second chances…#knowbetterdobetter)
It has now been revealed that both Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer have allowed aborted fetal cell lines in their “medication” at some point in the process. The latter lied about this to the public so as to not create an uproar. What else are they lying about? Why don’t we have a right to know? What happened to informed consent?
✨ We value life and liberty, as proclaimed throughout all of the Scriptures. I applaud any believer for taking this stand for religious freedom, as religious liberty is very clearly outlined not only in the Scripture, but also in our United States Constitution. It’s worth fighting for.
Keep asking questions and digging deep, friends. Your life and even religious freedom depend on it. Also sign up for my email newsletter here and stay tuned for Part 3…

Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.
Let Me Be Very Clear, Part 2:
How I Would Write my Religious Exemption
Written by Shannon Carroll

There is a special responsibility that believers have to evaluate, watch, pray, be alert and discerning about everything in these evil days. Can it be exhausting and overwhelming? Absolutely! But we never lose hope because we are anchored in The Truth – and we know this will all be over in eternity! 🙌
Obviously, we have to be careful to not have a judgmental spirit towards each other – we each have to answer alone before God for our actions and decisions. However, we ARE called to speak truth (in so much love!) and hold each other accountable to the need to think about, evaluate and discern the spirits.
If I were writing a religious exemption, these are some of the points I would be sure to include.
✨ Christians especially should be looking into the ingredients, process and end product of ALL substances, including all vaccines. We don’t believe in a compartmentalized religion. God asks for ALL of us, including our health.
✨ In fact, as Christians, we are held accountable for how we treat our bodies and what we put in them. We have a moral obligation to take care of our “temple” (1 Corinthians 16:9) and to responsibly evaluate our actions as it relates to our Divinely created body.
Because of this moral mandate, we believe each person has autonomy to decide what is in the best interest of their personal being; outside sources cannot make that determination for the individual. It is between them and God. Medical coercion has NO place in this free country, with individual, inalienable rights given to us by God.
✨ There are also grave concerns about the rather new mRNA technology and how that will impact our health long-term. I support Christians who are evaluating this new technology and not wanting to rush into a decision to have an injection where the long-term health effects are still widely unknown.
There are also serious concerns with the other ingredients in this injection and other true vaccines – including aluminum and graphene oxide…. Go look them up!
✨ Believers should not allow inside of them a substance that contains, or has even trace elements of, aborted fetal cell lines in the end product or the testing. Believers “cannot have fellowship with darkness” (2 Corinthians 6:14), and we believe this action would align us with those who condone the act of abortion, which we do not. Taking this shot with close ties to abortion is an offense to religious faith; I believe there are zero exceptions in which this action would be justified. (And I wish I would have known about this issue earlier in my life… I’m so grateful for grace and second chances…#knowbetterdobetter)
It has now been revealed that both Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer have allowed aborted fetal cell lines in their “medication” at some point in the process. The latter lied about this to the public so as to not create an uproar. What else are they lying about? Why don’t we have a right to know? What happened to informed consent?
✨ We value life and liberty, as proclaimed throughout all of the Scriptures. I applaud any believer for taking this stand for religious freedom, as religious liberty is very clearly outlined not only in the Scripture, but also in our United States Constitution. It’s worth fighting for.
Keep asking questions and digging deep, friends. Your life and even religious freedom depend on it. Also sign up for my email newsletter here and stay tuned for Part 3…

Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.