Let Me Be Very Clear, Part 4:
The Hypocrisy
Written by Shannon Carroll

Thanks to those of you who are still reading along with this series. I continue to be baffled as I witness the demonic nature of this virus and all the evil it’s brought with it to our world. Truly we are in a spiritual battle – but that’s a post for another day.
Today’s topic is asking questions about the effectiveness of the vaccine. And let me be clear – I’m NOT here to debate your personal decision about getting injected or not. But I want to shine a light on the hypocrisy and ineffectiveness of this “treatment” that has become mandated, forced and is dividing our country. It doesn’t make sense to me how something with so many “holes” can be promoted as the savior – and that everyone who doesn’t get it or starts questioning is a stupid outcast. Anyway…. read on. 😉
✨ What about those who are double/triple/boostered and fully vaccinated who are STILL getting and transmitting Covid? In fact, the countries with the highest vaccination rates are actually reporting the highest rates of breakthrough cases of Covid. They’re now saying the vaccine is only 40% effective…Hmmm. So again I ask – why punish unvaccinated individuals when vaccinated can transmit the virus just as easily?
✨ I believe the Delta variation was over-hyped (local healthcare personnel have shared with me that only about 20% of locally tested cases were actually confirmed as Delta….) and sensationalized as a fear tactic. (There seems to be a lot of fear tactics these days…Open your eyes – you’re being played!)
✨ I believe the variant was a result of the virus mutating because of the leaky vaccine. Viruses do mutate – so it would make sense that with more people getting vaccinated, the virus would adjust. (Also, why else would we have had a spike in the summer months when the national rates of the virus were starting to decrease?)
✨ I personally know people who were fully vaccinated and still DIED from the Covid virus.
✨ I personally know some medical systems (even locally) are fudging the numbers and telling lies about the narrative of ONLY unvaccinated people being sick and on vents.
✨ I know some (not all) hospitals are “full” because they don’t have enough staff to open all of their available beds.
✨ I personally know several healthcare workers that are telling me the greatest risk factor for a bad case of Covid is not one’s shot status, but rather the presence of obesity and other co-morbidities.
✨ If that’s the case – that underlying health conditions and obesity are at the root of the biggest risks, why isn’t there a national campaign to help us be healthy? Why aren’t there mandates against fast food? Why aren’t there incentives to join gyms? Why is healthy food so expensive and junk so cheap? Why aren’t they giving away free insulin or blood pressure meds?
The hypocrisy is blatant and we should ALL be asking these questions! We cannot keep our heads in the sand any longer.
Keep digging deep, friends. Your life, health and freedoms depend on it! Stay tuned for Part 5….

Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.
Let Me Be Very Clear, Part 4:
The Hypocrisy
Written by Shannon Carroll

Thanks to those of you who are still reading along with this series. I continue to be baffled as I witness the demonic nature of this virus and all the evil it’s brought with it to our world. Truly we are in a spiritual battle – but that’s a post for another day.
Today’s topic is asking questions about the effectiveness of the vaccine. And let me be clear – I’m NOT here to debate your personal decision about getting injected or not. But I want to shine a light on the hypocrisy and ineffectiveness of this “treatment” that has become mandated, forced and is dividing our country. It doesn’t make sense to me how something with so many “holes” can be promoted as the savior – and that everyone who doesn’t get it or starts questioning is a stupid outcast. Anyway…. read on. 😉
✨ What about those who are double/triple/boostered and fully vaccinated who are STILL getting and transmitting Covid? In fact, the countries with the highest vaccination rates are actually reporting the highest rates of breakthrough cases of Covid. They’re now saying the vaccine is only 40% effective…Hmmm. So again I ask – why punish unvaccinated individuals when vaccinated can transmit the virus just as easily?
✨ I believe the Delta variation was over-hyped (local healthcare personnel have shared with me that only about 20% of locally tested cases were actually confirmed as Delta….) and sensationalized as a fear tactic. (There seems to be a lot of fear tactics these days…Open your eyes – you’re being played!)
✨ I believe the variant was a result of the virus mutating because of the leaky vaccine. Viruses do mutate – so it would make sense that with more people getting vaccinated, the virus would adjust. (Also, why else would we have had a spike in the summer months when the national rates of the virus were starting to decrease?)
✨ I personally know people who were fully vaccinated and still DIED from the Covid virus.
✨ I personally know some medical systems (even locally) are fudging the numbers and telling lies about the narrative of ONLY unvaccinated people being sick and on vents.
✨ I know some (not all) hospitals are “full” because they don’t have enough staff to open all of their available beds.
✨ I personally know several healthcare workers that are telling me the greatest risk factor for a bad case of Covid is not one’s shot status, but rather the presence of obesity and other co-morbidities.
✨ If that’s the case – that underlying health conditions and obesity are at the root of the biggest risks, why isn’t there a national campaign to help us be healthy? Why aren’t there mandates against fast food? Why aren’t there incentives to join gyms? Why is healthy food so expensive and junk so cheap? Why aren’t they giving away free insulin or blood pressure meds?
The hypocrisy is blatant and we should ALL be asking these questions! We cannot keep our heads in the sand any longer.
Keep digging deep, friends. Your life, health and freedoms depend on it! Stay tuned for Part 5….

Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.