What Media Should Christians Be Watching and Listening To? Who Can You Trust?
Written by Shannon Carroll
I originally shared part of this content as a social media post, and it was immediately shadow-banned on FaceBook. This should tell you and me everything we need to know about the fragility of “free speech” and the absolute fact that one side of the story is not allowed to be told in our country. Words are only tolerated today if they align with the politically-correct narrative.
In an era where absolute truth is hidden and deceptive lies are propagated and even attractive to most, it’s imperative that we are extremely selective and intentional about what content we allow into our minds. What media we consume matters, especially as believers.
This warning was given in the Scriptures about deception that will be prevalent in the “last days.” It seems to fit the bill for what we are witnessing and experiencing today.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but almost every single sphere of our modern-day culture has been based on lies. I’m relearning so much about all of our systems – education, “health”care, finance, mainstream religious culture, food and nutrition, etc. We would all be wise to question almost everything we were taught growing up.
I consume a ton of media throughout my day, as I drive in the car, get ready, fold laundry, wash dishes, etc. I believe we are to gain knowledge and exercise our ability to think every day!
Here’s what I’ve listened to and read just today. I’m sharing this list to hopefully inspire you to take inventory of what media you are consuming so we can all grow and be prepared for what’s to come. People often ask me how I get my info that has led me to question everything in our society. Here you go! This is a good sampling.
Today I…
Other resources that have been super helpful for me on this recent awakening journey:
YouTube Channels : Simple Homesteading, Homemaking and Preparing
Ultimately, the only source that we can fully know is absolute truth is the inspired Word of God. Every other man-made system and voice will fail us, even more so as we approach the return of the Lord. Discerning what is truth and what is a lie will become even more of a challenge than it is now.
There is so much benefit in surrounding yourself with Biblical and conservative voices, such as the ones I’ve listed here. But none of them replace the living and breathing Word of God. We learned through our bizarre amnesia experience that the Word of God is the ONLY thing that truly remains and stands the test of time. You can read the full story here!
We must be diligent students of the Word, immersed in it so it can transform our thinking and shed light on darkness and deception. Knowing the Word is how we will be able to know truth and recognize when someone is lying to us.
None of us is above deception, as outlined in Matthew 24:24
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…
I Timothy 4:1
Fighting to discover truth will be our primary battle in the latter days as deception will be (is already) everywhere. I am asked all of the time, “Who can I trust?” “Where can I find information that is exposing all that’s happening?” My answer is always – fill your mind with truth, so you can discern between good and evil. Then consume the media I’ve listed here, but with a warning to test everything everyone says against the Word of God. It’s the ultimate standard and the only thing that will stand the test of time.
What is something you’ve read or listened to recently that has been inspiring or helpful?
*I only recommend products I would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.
What Media Should Christians Be Watching and Listening To? Who Can You Trust?
Written by Shannon Carroll
I originally shared part of this content as a social media post, and it was immediately shadow-banned on FaceBook. This should tell you and me everything we need to know about the fragility of “free speech” and the absolute fact that one side of the story is not allowed to be told in our country. Words are only tolerated today if they align with the politically-correct narrative.
In an era where absolute truth is hidden and deceptive lies are propagated and even attractive to most, it’s imperative that we are extremely selective and intentional about what content we allow into our minds. What media we consume matters, especially as believers.
This warning was given in the Scriptures about deception that will be prevalent in the “last days.” It seems to fit the bill for what we are witnessing and experiencing today.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but almost every single sphere of our modern-day culture has been based on lies. I’m relearning so much about all of our systems – education, “health”care, finance, mainstream religious culture, food and nutrition, etc. We would all be wise to question almost everything we were taught growing up.
I consume a ton of media throughout my day, as I drive in the car, get ready, fold laundry, wash dishes, etc. I believe we are to gain knowledge and exercise our ability to think every day!
Here’s what I’ve listened to and read just today. I’m sharing this list to hopefully inspire you to take inventory of what media you are consuming so we can all grow and be prepared for what’s to come. People often ask me how I get my info that has led me to question everything in our society. Here you go! This is a good sampling.
Today I…
Other resources that have been super helpful for me on this recent awakening journey:
YouTube Channels : Simple Homesteading, Homemaking and Preparing
Ultimately, the only source that we can fully know is absolute truth is the inspired Word of God. Every other man-made system and voice will fail us, even more so as we approach the return of the Lord. Discerning what is truth and what is a lie will become even more of a challenge than it is now.
There is so much benefit in surrounding yourself with Biblical and conservative voices, such as the ones I’ve listed here. But none of them replace the living and breathing Word of God. We learned through our bizarre amnesia experience that the Word of God is the ONLY thing that truly remains and stands the test of time. You can read the full story here!
We must be diligent students of the Word, immersed in it so it can transform our thinking and shed light on darkness and deception. Knowing the Word is how we will be able to know truth and recognize when someone is lying to us.
None of us is above deception, as outlined in Matthew 24:24
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…
I Timothy 4:1
Fighting to discover truth will be our primary battle in the latter days as deception will be (is already) everywhere. I am asked all of the time, “Who can I trust?” “Where can I find information that is exposing all that’s happening?” My answer is always – fill your mind with truth, so you can discern between good and evil. Then consume the media I’ve listed here, but with a warning to test everything everyone says against the Word of God. It’s the ultimate standard and the only thing that will stand the test of time.
What is something you’ve read or listened to recently that has been inspiring or helpful?
*I only recommend products I would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.