Learning to Lament
Written by Shannon Carroll

I finished this book today… It was recommended to me by a wise counselor when I told her I was still dealing with grief from something that happened years ago.
The book is all about learning how to biblically lament – being comfortable with bringing an honest cry of complaint before God and learning how to navigate that tension point between pain and trusting. Get the book here.
So much of our American Christian culture is all about victory and joy – and those things should be a focus, right?! We are called Overcomers for a reason…
Yet did you know that a a third of the Psalms are lament Psalms? So is there a place for each of us in Christian community when we are hurting, broken, angry, grieving or overwhelmed? Those are emotions we ALL experience – none of us are immune from trials and suffering…
A takeaway I had from this book is that it’s ok to not be ok. There’s a way to be honest with God and it not turn into a root of bitterness. And – we need to do a better job in the church of allowing each other to express our hearts and suffering. We need to weep with those who weep just like we rejoice with those who rejoice.
Have you read anything impactful recently?

Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.
Learning to Lament
Written by Shannon Carroll

I finished this book today… It was recommended to me by a wise counselor when I told her I was still dealing with grief from something that happened years ago.
The book is all about learning how to biblically lament – being comfortable with bringing an honest cry of complaint before God and learning how to navigate that tension point between pain and trusting. Get the book here.
So much of our American Christian culture is all about victory and joy – and those things should be a focus, right?! We are called Overcomers for a reason…
Yet did you know that a a third of the Psalms are lament Psalms? So is there a place for each of us in Christian community when we are hurting, broken, angry, grieving or overwhelmed? Those are emotions we ALL experience – none of us are immune from trials and suffering…
A takeaway I had from this book is that it’s ok to not be ok. There’s a way to be honest with God and it not turn into a root of bitterness. And – we need to do a better job in the church of allowing each other to express our hearts and suffering. We need to weep with those who weep just like we rejoice with those who rejoice.
Have you read anything impactful recently?

Shannon L. Carroll
Throughout her life, Shannon has had a dual love for effective communication and discovering truth. Thousands of families across hundreds of platforms – both in person and online – have heard her teach about practical wellness tips and inspirational lessons from God’s Word. She’s passionate about helping women (& fellow pastor’s wives!) be well in mind, body and spirit. She assists her audiences in learning how they can live: nourished & restored, healed & whole, while being grounded in Truth.